Monthly Giving
Consider pledging 61 cents a day! Just $19 a month can save a veteran’s life. On our PayPal Donation page, click “Monthly”
Workplace Giving
Workplace giving is an easy and fun way to make tax-deductible donations to the VCHC through payroll deductions. Many employers offer match programs for your donation.
Gift Cards
Our veterans have little to no income. Gift cards help them to purchase food, clothing, gas, and other items that most of us take for granted.

Memory and In Honor Giving
Honor someone who has passed away. Donate to celebrate a new life or begining. When you make a donation to VCHC in honor or in memory of someone, you give a unique gift that helps end Veteran homelessness and hunger.
Bequests and Estate Plan Gifts
A bequest is a gift from your estate. A transfer of securities, cash or other property (such as a car or house) made through your estate plans. You can make a bequest to VCHC by including language in your will or living trust leaving a portion of your estate to Veterans and Community Housing Coalition or by designating VCHC as a beneficiary of your retirement account or life insurance policy.
Your tax-deductible donation enables VCHC to help the hundreds of veterans and their families we serve. 100% of all donations directly assist the homeless veterans that we serve.
Event Sponsorship
VCHC hosts one fundraiser a year, The Annual Veterans’ Ball. This event sells out every year and has been labeled by Saratoga Today Magazine as the “Go-to Military Event in the Northeast” By sponsoring the Annual Veterans’ Ball, your organization, company or foundation supports our work to end veteran homelessness. We proudly showcase all our sponsors on our media platforms, promoting their generous support! To learn more about event sponsorship, please contact us for more information.

Volunteer Your Time
Thank you for your interest in volunteering with the Veterans & Community Housing Coalition. VCHC relies greatly on community partners like you—there are many ways to volunteer your time both individually and as a group:
- Food Pantry – Sort donations, check expiration dates, stock shelves
- Sponsor-A-Meal – Thank the residents of the Guardian House or Vet House for their service with a meal
- Beautification Projects – Enjoy the outdoors and help us maintain our beautiful Transitional Houses and Veteran Apartments grounds in early spring by planting flowers, gardening, raking leaves, etc.
- Community Drive – Rally your co-workers, school, or community group to collect food, cleaning supplies, and personal care items to benefit veterans and their families in our programs
- Benefit Event – Plan a walk, run, golf tournament, motorcycle ride, etc. to raise funds for our programs at VCHC
- Annual Veterans’ Ball and Auction – help VCHC staff during our annual formal fundraising gala
- Transitional Houses – Volunteer at the Vet House, Guardian House, or Foreverly House
- Holiday Help – “Adopt” a veteran or veteran and their family from our programs